Published on: 2 October 2023

Talking about cancer can save lives, sessions on how to have effective conversations about cancer are being held in Rotherham from October.

NHS South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance are working together with Cancer Research UK to deliver Talk Cancer Workshops across South Yorkshire, including in Rotherham.  The first of these are due to take place on 4 of October at The Unity Centre, St Leonards Road.

Cancer Research UK’s cancer awareness training programme, Talk Cancer, equips every day people with the skills and confidence to have conversations about cancer and health with people in their community.

Dr Steph Edgar, GP and Primary Care Lead at South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance, said: “Some people find it difficult to talk about health conditions and particularly cancer and cancer symptoms. Through the Talk Cancer workshops, we want to give people who come into regular contact with the public the skills and confidence to have a conversation about cancer, signs and symptoms and when to get help.”

The Talk Cancer training will help attendees to:

  • - understand the key messages around cancer awareness
  • - talk to people about how they could reduce their risk of getting cancer
  • - help people understand the importance of spotting cancer early and the screening programmes available
  • - appreciate and address the fears and barriers faced by people when talking about cancer
  • - have effective, supportive conversations about cancer and health
  • - understand the impact health inequalities can have on cancer outcomes
  • - encourage people to take positive action for their health, use local services and see their doctor with any concerns

Dr Edgar continues: “If you’re someone who’s able to promote health and wellbeing in your community, then the Talk Cancer training can benefit you. You don’t need to be a healthcare worker to discuss cancer and health. We know that sometimes people are encouraged to visit their GP or go to screening after having a conversation with someone in their community for example at the hairdressers, in their place of worship or at community groups.  So if you are in any role where you might discuss health with others, including non-healthcare professionals - you have the power to make a difference!”

This session is taking place on Wednesday 4 September, 10am – 1pm at The Unity Centre, St Leonards Road, Rotherham S65 1PD, with more sessions being announced later in the year. Booking is required.

If you would like to book your place, please contact Faye Senior on  or by calling 0114 305 1000.

For more information about the sessions please see the link here - Cancer awareness training programme, Talk Cancer | Cancer Research UK