We deliver this by: planning without walls, managing our resources as one budget, working collaboratively, and challenging the status quo.
We are committed to breaking down the organisational boundaries which are irrelevant to those affected by cancer. Our Alliance comprises of organisations who are responsible for commissioning and providing NHS services. These include: local council, charities and patient groups.
As an Alliance, we work with and through our localities who understand the challenges and the opportunities within the communities we serve.
The principles of the Cancer Alliance are based on our experience of collaborative working around cancer care in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.
Despite improvements, our rates of late stage cancer diagnosis continue to be below the national average. Although the foundations have been initiated to transform cancer services and outcomes there continue to be a number of key challenges:
• Incidence and mortality rates are significantly higher than average. • Nearly two thirds of cancer diagnoses occur in the over 65s and this population are predicted to increase by about 20% over the next twenty years. • Smoking rates are significantly higher than the England average despite significantly since 2010. • Incidence and mortality rates from lung cancer are significantly higher than in England as a whole and disproportionately affect the most deprived groups. Despite this, the survival rate is as good as or better than average. • Significant improvements have been seen in cancer survival over the last ten years for the majority of cancer sites, although some work is still to be done for specific cancers. • One year survival is lower than the national average for cervical, colorectal and prostate despite having better than average uptake in cervical and bowel screening programmes. • 1 in 2 patients are diagnosed at a late stage (3 & 4) with our rate being worse than the national average. • More people are diagnosed through emergency presentation than the England average. • Performance against the 62 day cancer waiting time standard is increasingly challenged and not always meeting the 85% operational threshold due to increased demand, diagnostic and workforce pressures.
We work alongside the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System (ICS) who are responsible for ensuring that the care and services provided to their population are of the highest standard.
Cancer Alliances provide the clinical, operational and transformational leadership to the local cancer system by bringing together their constituent commissioners and providers on behalf of their ICSs, to ensure system-wide oversight and transformation of services and outcomes.
Fall in adult smoking rates
13% by 2020 (21% in routine & manual workers)
One year survival
Increase to 75% by 2020
Ten year survival
57% surviving 10 years or more by 2020
Stage at diagnosis
75% cancers diagnosed at stage 1 or 2 and increase in proportion of cancers staged by 2028
75% uptake for bowel cancer screening
Personalised care
All patients to have access to personalised care by 2021
Risk Stratified Pathway
RSP to be offered to all clinically appropriate pathways by 2023
Access to Key Worker
All patients to have access to a CNS/ key worker
Achievement of Cancer Waiting Times
Faster diagnosis standard (day 28), 31 and 62 day targets
Follow us on social media: @CanAlliance_SYB
The Targeted Lung Health Programme is undergoing a name change to become Lung Cancer Screening in a bid to reduce any potential confusion on what is involved and increase participation.
There are no upcoming events.