Here you will find information on a selection of our public-facing communications and engagement projects and channels. If you have any questions about these projects please email

Patient Stories

Patient Stories 
We believe the best people to talk about life with cancer are those who have experienced it first hand or who remain fighting it. Our patient stories give an insight into an individual’s cancer journey, from their initial symptoms to their current situation. These stories are distributed as either short videos or a blog post. We hope the patient stories offer reassurance, insight and awareness to life with cancer. You can view our stories here.

What Matters To You?

What Matters To You?
What Matters To You? is an initiative by the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance to ensure all health professionals in our region are focused on the individual needs of each patient.

To do this we are working with Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR) to host a digital training platform which our partners will complete in order to show their commitment to being a ‘Certified Care Professional'. 

Our aim is to get all cancer care workers in our region certified as care professionals so that healthcare conversations shift from “what is the matter with you?" to “what matters to you?" 

While we want to ensure every patient gets equal care, it is important to recognise that each individual cancer patient is different and their priorities vary. This needs to be reflected in our care.

You can learn more and complete the training here.

Let's Talk Cancer: Membership

‘Let’s Talk Cancer’ Membership
We want cancer care to be tailored as best as possible to each individual’s needs. To be able to do this, getting a full range of opinions from everyone affected by cancer is essential. Our membership scheme is aimed to do just that. Filling out the membership form will help us direct the right kind of information to the individual as well as discovering how best they can help us. In doing this we hope to help optimise engagement and subsequently contribute to giving the best possible care for everyone. You can sign up to our membership here.

Cancer Alliance Bulletin

Our 'Cancer Aliance Update' is a bulletin is sent out to the Cancer Alliance team and various other partners across South Yorkshire. 

The bulletin is a succint email which covers all the essential news, updates and events over a two week period and also highlights future events. 

If you wish to have anything included in the round-up or want to be added to the distribution list please email: 

Social Media Channels

We use our social media channels to distribute a wide variety of messages to partners, patients and the public. 

Below are links to our social media channels:



INSTAGRAM: canceralliance_syb

LINKEDIN: South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System Cancer Alliance

Be Cancer SAFE

Be Cancer SAFE
The Be Cancer SAFE project (BCS) was commissioned because more people in South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire are diagnosed with cancer than the average for England. In addition, the most deprived patients have shown to be more likely to get diagnosed at a later stage.

Be Cancer SAFE is a social movement we created in order to encourage the initiation of conversations surrounding the early signs of cancer and the importance of screening programmes in the hope to improve early diagnosis. In order to do this, Be Cancer Safe Workers have been recruited, who in turn help to find ‘Be Cancer SAFE champions’ who volunteer to hold conversations about cancer.

You can find out more about the Be Cancer SAFE project and read the evaluation report here. 

CA News

CA News was a monthly newsletter sent out electronically to those who work under the Cancer Alliance bracket.

CA News detailed the accomplishments of those within the Cancer Alliance to share best practice, while keeping everyone in the know about areas of the Cancer Alliance they may not be familiar with. 

CA News has been placed on pause during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can access each edition here.

Cancer: A Picture Tells a Thousand Words

Cancer: A Picture Tells a Thousand Words
The aim of our ‘Picture Tells a Thousand Words Project’ was to encourage those affected by cancer to share a picture of them or a loved one to demonstrate that every cancer journey is different.

We also wanted the project to act as a conversation starter for cancer discussions.

The campaign gained attention from regional press including Calendar News, radio and newspapers. Not to mention the shares and likes across social media.

This campaign has now finished however we are always looking for patient engagement.