We are the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System Cancer Alliance, working with Derbyshire
We work with and through our constituent places. Each place has a local plan, which sets out how partners will play their role in helping everyone to have the best start and a healthier life.
Each plan has been developed by local doctors, hospital chief executives, clinical commissioners, council officers and patient and voluntary sector groups.
Places bring together the different ideas and initiatives that have been developed with local communities and local people already, as well as providing opportunities for people to give their views and to get involved in shaping their future services.
By focusing attention on local communities and the services, care and wellbeing needed by the people who live in them, we can support everyone to be healthier. We want to make the most of the skills of local people, communities and organisations to support people to lead healthier lives and care for themselves and each other.
Barnsley Health and Care Together is the partnership of local organisations working to improve the health and social care system in Barnsley: NHS Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Barnsley Healthcare Federation, Barnsley Council and South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Partners are also working with Healthwatch Barnsley and other local community groups.
This way of working integrates health and care services, bringing the services of GPs, nursing, social care, mental health, the hospital, community based services and voluntary organisations into a more joined up system that focuses on the individual needs of local people and provides them with support to manage their own care.
Putting people at the centre
A simpler, integrated health and care system will support a shift in focus on how we offer services. There will be an emphasis on supporting people to maintain good physical and mental health and preventing ill health all aimed at improving outcomes for local patients:
With services in different organisations working together better and in a more integrated ways
By removing barriers they may have faced previously, whether that was in having to repeat information on every visit, or barriers due to processes or finance
Patients should be able to see familiar staff faces that are connected to each other across local services regardless of where they are seen, whether that is in hospital, in the community or at home
Patients and their families will be supported by what feels like “one team”, each delivering their part without duplication.
This was authored by Barnsley CCG, for more infomation please contact barnsleyccg.barccg@nhs.net
The purpose of the Bassetlaw Integrated Care Partnership is to deliver improvement in experiences, health and wellbeing for Bassetlaw citizens, through simpler, integrated, responsive and well understood services which ensure people get the right support at the right time.
This will support local people to stay well in their own homes and communities so everyone can be better in Bassetlaw.
This was authored by Bassetlaw Integrated Care Partnership Please visit www.betterinbassetlaw.co.uk for more information or contact hello@betterinbassetlaw.co.uk.
For more information about care plans in Chesterfield, please visit http://www.derbyandderbyshireccg.nhs.uk/
Doncaster has a number of strategic and delivery plans in place to bring local health and social care services closer together to help people stay healthy and live at home as long as possible. The Doncaster Place Plan brings together the thoughts of eight NHS, local authority and care organisations in the borough to create a shared vision for the future. The Place Plan is currently being reviewed – the original two-side summary version of the Place Plan is available here.
Health in Doncaster is improving, but not as fast as the rest of the country, with average life expectancy for men living in some deprived parts of the borough being over 10 years less than for those living in the better off areas. There’s a similar picture for Doncaster women, with the life expectancy gap being over seven years between poor and affluent areas, which may be only a handful of miles apart.
A key element of the Plan is to develop services that help prevent people from becoming ill in the first place, by stepping in early to, for example, support struggling families.
Local health and social care services are starting to become much more joined-up, supporting people to live in their own homes and monitoring their health carefully to preventing it dipping and an emergency admission to hospital.
A brand new joint health and social care commissioning strategy, led by Doncaster Council and Doncaster CCG has also been published, aligned with the vision and ambitions set out for health and care in the NHS Long Term Plan. The joint health and social care strategy has the Place Plan vision at its core and aims to improve health and care outcomes, remove duplication and enable both organisations to plan more efficiently and effectively.
This was authored by Doncaster CCG, for more infomation please email donccg.communications@nhs.net
Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership
The Rotherham’s Health and Social Care Community has been working in a collaborative way for many years to transform the way it cares for and achieves a positive change for its population of 261,000. Our successful track record in developing and delivering new solutions makes Rotherham the perfect test bed for new innovations. Rotherham Integrated Care (ICP) partners are passionate about providing the best possible services and outcomes for our population and are committed to a whole system partnership approach. Only through working together can we provide sustainable services over the long term that aim to help all Rotherham people live well for longer. Rotherham Partners’ recognise that to realise our ambition and the necessary scale of transformation, we need to act as one voice with a single vision and a single plan to deliver the best for Rotherham. Our shared vision is: ‘Supporting people and families to live independently in the community, with prevention and self-management at the heart of our delivery’.
Our collective approach to Place delivery allows a ‘Golden Thread’ from our Health and Wellbeing strategy aims through to the transformational delivery. Find out more about the Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership plans at http://www.rotherhamccg.nhs.uk/rotherhams-place-plan.htm
The Sheffield Accountable Care Partnership brings together seven partners in the city to focus on issues that can only be addressed as a collective endeavour. The partners are: Sheffield City Council, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, Primary Care Sheffield Ltd, Voluntary Action Sheffield.
We want to transform our population’s health, care and well-being, improving outcomes for the people of Sheffield. Too many people in Sheffield still struggle with poor health and wellbeing, and this is inequitably distributed across our city.