This page is designed to give you an overview of where the Cancer Alliances came from, what we do and who we are.
If it doesn’t go far enough to answer your questions, please do contact us.
The independent national cancer taskforce, in its report of May 2016, sets out an ambitious vision for improving services, care and outcomes for everyone with cancer:
21 Cancer Alliances work across England to drive the changes needed to achieve the Taskforce’s vision.
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance brings together a range of organisations to help ensure the best possible cancer care across the region. These include NHS organisations, local councils, charities and patient groups among others.
Our Cancer Alliance is part of the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board. This is the statutory NHS organisation responsible for developing a plan to meet the health needs of the population it serves, managing the NHS budget, and arranging for the provision of all health services in the area. ICBs replaced clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in July 2022.
Follow us on social media: @CanAlliance_SYB
The Targeted Lung Health Programme is undergoing a name change to become Lung Cancer Screening in a bid to reduce any potential confusion on what is involved and increase participation.
There are no upcoming events.