You might have seen our Peace of Mind campaign on social media, or heard us on the local radio. At the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance, we are raising awareness of the early signs of cancer, and empowering people to see their GP without delay if they are experiencing these symptoms. 

Many of the early signs and symptoms of cancer are common, and so may be caused by other conditions. This campaign seeks to normalise people going to their GP if they notice anything unusual to them for a ‘Peace of Mind’ check.


If it is cancer, discovering it early, when it isn’t too large and hasn’t spread, improves the chances of successful treatment - finding cancer early helps save lives.


This approach shifts the focus from fearing the worst to understanding that seeing your GP promptly could provide information and answers that ease your worries. It assures people that even if the outcome is a cancer diagnosis, catching it early is better than waiting. Together, we're striving for peace of mind, knowing we're taking proactive steps to keep everyone healthy.

The top five cancers that are diagnosed at a late stage, or have a high number of cases, in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw are ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer, oesophageal cancer and womb cancer.

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To read more about the early signs and symptoms of these cancers please click the links below –

For signs and symptoms of other cancers please go to Cancer - NHS (

If you, or someone you know, are experiencing these symptoms, book an appointment with your GP to get some Peace of Mind. 

If you experience difficulties getting an appointment, please persist – seeking support can often help alleviate worries and concerns.