Patient information booklet: English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Czech, Gujarati, Indian, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Slovak, Somali, Urdu Posters / flyers: English 1, English 2, Arabic 1, Arabic 2, Bengali 1, Bengali 2, Bengali 3, Cantonese, Kurdish Sorani 1, Kurdish Sorani 2, Mandarin 1, Mandarin 2, Polish 1, Polish 2, Polish 3, Polish 4, Punjabi 1, Punjabi 2, Romanian 1, Romanian 2, Slovak 1, Slovak 2, Somali 1, Somali 2, Somali 3, Urdu 1, Urdu 2, Urdu 3 EASY READ Booklet
Why are we offering people free Lung Cancer Screening?
There are often no signs or symptoms or lung cancer at an early stage. As a result, sadly around seven in 10 cancer patients are currently being diagnosed too late to be cured. Lung Cancer Screening helps find problems early (often before you notice anything is wrong) and at a stage when treatment could be simpler and more successful - ultimately saving more lives. Most lung cancers grow slowly enough for them to be found at an early stage by a lung scan.
Lung Cancer Screening could help improve lung cancer survival rates across the area, with a recent study showing that checks such as these can potentially pick up changes earlier and reduce lung cancer deaths by around 26% in men and 40% in women.
What is Lung Cancer Screening?
Lung Cancer Screening is completely free.
It is a two-part process in which we assess the health of your lungs:
Part one is a Lung Health Check over the phone with a specialist respiratory nurse to discuss your chances of developing lung cancer. This should last approximately 20-30 minutes, but if you need more time or any other reasonable adjustments, please tell our provider Xyla by calling 0330 2368484 or clicking here to send an email. The nurse will ask you some questions about your breathing and overall lung health. They will also ask you about your lifestyle, family, and medical history. You do not need to do a breathing test; the nurse can get all the information they need from the questions. You will have plenty of time to talk to the nurse and ask any questions you may have.
If you are identified as someone who has a higher chance of developing lung cancer, you'll be invited to have a low-dose CT scan, which is part two of Lung Cancer Screening. This is to check for early signs of lung cancer as well as other lung diseases. If you are invited to have a low-dose CT scan, this will take place in a mobile unit at various locations across your area. The CT scan lasts only a couple of minutes and takes a detailed image of your chest for us to review. If a problem is found, you'll be referred on for treatment.
When and where is Lung Cancer Screening happening?
Doncaster was one of 10 areas nationally chosen to pilot Lung Cancer Screening (called Targeted Lung Health Checks at that time) due to the number of people in the area that have ever smoked. The Doncaster programme started in March 2021, and expanded into Bassetlaw in August 2022, Rotherham in November 2022, and Barnsley in March 2023.
The programme launched in Sheffield in September 2024. Please note, it will take time to invite every eligible person in Sheffield, but be reassured that when the programme reaches your area, you will receive an invitation letter in the post.
Our provider Xyla sends invitation letters to eligible patients, which will include details of a brief telephone appointment to confirm if you are eligible for the programme. Your lung health check is then booked at a convenient time and date for you. Please try to keep your allocated appointment, but we understand how busy life can be so should you need to rearrange your lung health check, call 0330 2368484 or click here to send the Xyla team an email.
The lung health check itself takes place over the telephone with a respiratory nurse. Should you need to be referred for a low-dose CT scan, mobile scanning units are located in accessible areas across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw. The scan is there to help detect lung cancer earlier, as well as identifying other lung conditions. It is very easy to rearrange your scan if you need to, or, if you would like some support from a patient care advisor, contact the Xyla team on the details above.
Why is it important to look after your lungs?
Your lungs work hard every day so you can breathe and they don’t get much rest. They carry oxygen from the air into your blood and release carbon dioxide from your blood into the air. Your body’s cells need this oxygen to work properly. Your lungs have a natural defence system to keep out dirt and germs, but several things can damage this, meaning they can’t do their job as well.
There are lots of things that you can do to look after your lungs, which are just as important if you already have a lung condition, including:
It’s also important to know your body and what is normal for you to be able to spot when things might not be quite right. A persistent cough can be an early warning sign of lung disease. Other symptoms to look out for are:
If you notice any of these symptoms, please don’t ignore or dismiss them; go and speak with your GP.
For more information about Lung Cancer Screening, please click here to contact the team.
For lung cancer help and support, visit the Roy Castle Foundation website.
The best way to protect you and your family in winter is to make sure your flu, covid-19, and pneumococcal vaccinations are up to date. To find out if you are eligible for these, click here.
Dr David Crichton, GP and Chief Medical Officer for South Yorkshire ICB, said: “Lung Cancer Screening is an innovative way to help the earlier detection of lung disease, including cancer.
“Early detection not only allows earlier treatment and support for people, but also helps to improve their long-term health outcomes. As a local GP, I would encourage all eligible patients to take up the offer."
Dr Jason Page, Clinical Director South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw LCS Programme, said: “I am delighted that this programme continues to save lives across the area. Hundreds of people each month are attending their screening CT scans.
“The benefits of screening are clear to see. The programme is reducing the devastating impact that lung cancer has on hundreds of families across the region.
“Lung cancer remains one of the most common cancers, accounting for thousands of deaths a year in the UK. Because lung cancer doesn’t always cause symptoms at an early stage, it is frequently diagnosed late when treatment options are more limited and survival rates are lower but, if caught early, it’s much more treatable and the survival rate is much higher."
In 2021, Sandra from Rossington received a letter inviting her to take part in Lung Cancer Screening when it launched in Doncaster. She hadn’t experienced any symptoms of having a lung problem. However, due to her age and health background, she was eligible for a check, which identified a tumour on her lung. Sandra underwent treatment and has made a complete recovery - she has since been given the ‘all clear’. You can watch Sandra’s story here.
Sandra said: “You don’t expect to get cancer. You think you’re not going to get it, but you can. The doctors and nurses are fantastic, and they’re all working hard to make sure more people survive. I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to take part in Lung Cancer Screening.
"The sooner you get treatment the better. I say to people just go for it, you should always get checked. It could save your life."
A lung health check can give you reassurance that your lungs are healthy and can help identify problems early.
Barry, another local Lung Cancer Screening attendee, shared his story and you can listen to it here. Barry and his wife were both invited for a scan, which the team was able to coordinate at the same time for ease. Barry said of his experience: “Every step was easy, simple, and pain-free. The scan took next to no time, and I'm so glad I had it done.” Barry’s story helps highlight the fact that many patients coming through the programme get the all clear, which can bring peace of mind. That said, it’s important to not become complacent. Know what is normal for you, and stay alert to changes that may need checking out by a GP.
FAQs - Barnsley
FAQs - Bassetlaw
FAQs - Rotherham
A5 leaflet
Poster - no symptoms
Poster - I felt fine
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The Targeted Lung Health Programme is undergoing a name change to become Lung Cancer Screening in a bid to reduce any potential confusion on what is involved and increase participation.
There are no upcoming events.