Across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw there is an inbalance when it comes to cancer screening attendance. The Alliance embarked on commissioning an expert team fom Caja to apply a Behavioural Science approach to encourage those in areas of low attendance to access cancer screening services. Behavioural Science is based on the study of “human habits, actions and intentions” spanning the fields of psychology, HR, economics and organisational behaviour. It recognises that traditional approaches such as simply educating or informing people do not work as well as we previously thought and incorporates a much wider set of factors – for example: 1. Who communicates information – Doctors and Nurses who have authority, mean information gains more trust and respect (MESSENGER) 2. How people are influenced by what others do (NORMS) 3. The incentives of what will be gained and more importantly what could be lossed (INCENTIVES) 4. How relevant or novel the informations is (SALIENCE) 5. How the information makes people feel about themselves (EGO)
Watch the introudction to Behavioural Science video as a taster to behavioural science concepts Click here
The slide set below details the Nudge the Odds programme to increase cancer screening across SYB and shares the learning from the trial practices demonstrating how the behavioural science resources increased cancer screening attendance.
Behaviour Science Nudge intervention resources developed to support increased attendance for the Cancer screening programmes are available below. To access each resource click on the chosen resource to download.
If you are interested in further information please click on the How to Guides, below which give details of the Behavioural Science conecpts used in each intervention.
Follow us on social media: @CanAlliance_SYB
The Targeted Lung Health Programme is undergoing a name change to become Lung Cancer Screening in a bid to reduce any potential confusion on what is involved and increase participation.
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