More people in our region are diagnosed with cancer than the England average and we know that catching cancers at an earlier stage greatly increases the chance of survival.
Through a range of community based activities, such as attending coffee mornings, and talking to local businesses, we aim to make sure everyone is aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer, know what screening is available to them and ultimately increase the number of people diagnosed at an earlier stage.
Ordinary members of the community can get involved and be supported to raise awareness with their family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues. They will do this by word of mouth, distribution of information and signposting people to the range of services available to them. They will assist in giving information which is beneficial to others and motivate people to be more aware and alert to cancer symptoms.
See our two videos below to learn more about the Be Cancer SAFE movement. The videos cover the background of the movement as well as featuring highlights from our report and interviews with some of our workers.
Be Cancer SAFE is coordinated by South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire Cancer Alliance and delivered by the following voluntary sector and health organisations in each area:
To read the evaluation report from the first year of the project, then click here.
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Twitter - @SYBhealthcare #becancersafe
Follow us on social media: @CanAlliance_SYB
The Targeted Lung Health Programme is undergoing a name change to become Lung Cancer Screening in a bid to reduce any potential confusion on what is involved and increase participation.
There are no upcoming events.