Doncaster South Reward and Referral Social Media Slip

Jodie Watts, Cancer Champion for Doncaster South PCN created a business card size slip to use within Reward and Referral tote bags, encouraging people to share their pictures on social media.  

Issue Identified: We identified that whilst we assumed the rewards tokens were being given out by our practices when patients attended their cervical screening appointments there was no actual follow-up or visual representation to feedback the impact for our patient base 
Solution: We came up with credit card-style slips which could easily be printed in practice and dropped into the tote bags.  The notes thank the patient for attending their screening and ask the patient if they would mind snapping a quick picture of the tote bag and uploading to social media with tags of the organisations supporting their cervical screening    
As this was only rolled out in May 2023 we have as yet had no tags but are confident that we will be able to provide figures of this project soon. 

Image of the Business Card Size Slip:

University Health Services (Sheffield) Cervical Screening Non Responders

Naomi Strutt and Rachel Boyd, Cancer Champions for the University Health Services PCN were tasked with looking at how they might be able to improve their patient engagement with the national cervical screening programme. 

Firstly, they identified any barriers to cervical screening for their patient population, which consists of mainly people aged between 18 to 30, who are students who can be registered for a short period whilst studying, many of which are international. 

The main barriers identified related to cultural and language barriers and a lack of understanding of cervical screening. 

A leaflet was developed using Canva (please see below or click here) and they adapted their non-responder process to attempt to address some of the specific barriers. 

The new non-responder process is as follows:
1.    An initial letter from UHS is texted to non-responders. The letter was designed with input from a Behavioural Science Consultant. This is immediately followed by a text that includes a direct booking link.
2.    One month later, the leaflet is sent to the non-responders, which is also accompanied by a direct booking link.
3.    One month later, a further nudge text and booking link is sent to the non-responders, which also includes a link to Jo's Trust website.
4.    Three months later, a final nudge and booking link is sent to the non-responders, as well as a questionnaire to ascertain why the patient is not responding. At this stage, an exception code is added to the patient record. To view the questionnaire, please email 

The intention behind this new process is to make inviting patients for cervical screening a more personalised approach ensuring that any concerns and barriers are addressed. 

To view the messages created using Behavioural Science nudge techniques click here. 

Porter Valley (Sheffield) Cervical Screening Awareness Poster

Nikhita Yatala, Cancer Champion for Porter Valley PCN has created a poster to raise awareness about Cervical Screening for the PCN. 

To view the poster click here.  

Hillsborough (Sheffield) Cervical Screening Self Book Trail

Shelley Lockey, Cancer Champion for Hillsborough PCN conducted a three-month trial using a self-book link for Cervical Screening.

Shelley ran a report using Ardens to identify people overdue for their Cervical Screening between the ages of 25-49+ who had not been screened in the last 3 years.

A self-booking link was created to allow patients to book their appointments directly with the practice nurse. 

The search identified 80 eligible people and a tailored text message was sent, which included the booking link. Out of the 80 messages sent, 23 people booked via the link. 

The breakdown was as follows:

  • 1 person had never had a smear 
  • 9 people were overdue by 6 months 
  • 4 people were overdue by more than 1 year 
  • 4 people were overdue by more than 2 years 
  • 1 person was overdue by 6 years 
  • 2 overdue resulted in a Colposcopy referral 
  • 2 people did not attend and have been followed up. 

Further to this, the booking link was then used during Cervical Screening Awareness Week to target non-responders and a further 36 people booked via the link. Out of the 36, 9 people DNA and have since been followed up.

Out of the 80 appointments available, 48 were utilised.  

Due to the success, a new process has been implemented in the practice and where possible all non-responders are contacted via text message which includes the booking link instead of a paper invite. The self-book link is now open to all nurses. 

The text message used is as follows: 

Our records show you are due/overdue for your cervical screening test. If you have an appointment or have recently attended your screening please disregard this message. Use the link below to book or call (practice number)"

Doncaster South Cervical Screening Drop In Event

Doncaster Care Coordinators supported a Cervical Screening Drop-in Event in collaboration with Sally Abbot, the lead Colposcopist from Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals. Sally is currently supporting a pilot for Outreach Screening which is funded by NHS England. Sally is known in the region for running successful outreach Cervical Screening events across Doncaster.  

The below poster was created and shared across social media channels to promote the event. The poster had a QR code that would allow people to complete a form, which would then go directly to care coordinators to book the appointment. The posters were created by Cancer Champions on Canva. 

Before the event, Sally provided the opportunity for a pre-appointment conversation to discuss any worries or concerns people may have, which has proven to be very beneficial in supporting patients who have had a previous bad experience or past trauma

For the drop-in event, Sally brought along a chaperone and all the necessary equipment ensuring a smooth and professional screening process. After completing their screening, Sally sent notification letters to all patient's practices to ensure timely updates of their medical records. 

On the Day Care Coordinators/Cancer Champions were present to assist with booking patients in and directing them to the appropriate areas as well as to share/promote PCN services. 

There were 20 appointments available and 17 were utilised (see the below photo) 

A further session is being planned for March 2024. 

Newgate PCN (Bassetlaw) Polish Cervical Drop-In Clinic

Newgate Surgery Cancer Champions worked with a Polish-speaking member of the staff to create a Poster and Text Message in Polish (as pictured below) to invite people to a Cervical Screening Polish Drop-in Clinic where there will be a Polish interpreter on site. The posters were advertised on social media, at community groups, local shops and in practice. 

Within the waiting room a GP, Cancer Champion and Interpreter were present and a real feeling of community was created, everyone was chatting and talking about screening and various other questions came up regarding women's health issues. 

On the day 20 people attended and 16 screenings were completed.

The breakdown is as follows: 

  • 9 out of the 16 people screened had a negative result
  • 5 out of 16 had a positive result with a 12-month recall
  • 2 out of 16 had a positive result with a referral to colposcopy 


Rough translation: "Dear patient, If you have not had a cervical smear performed in the last three years, please do not wait! Come to the Newgate clinic On Saturday 3rd February between 9am and 11am. You do not need to book an appointment. If you need help with the language, an interpreter will be on site."