Cancer Campaigns

Clear on Cancer -Help Us Help You

GOV.UK has created a series of campaigns to tackle the barriers to earlier presentation for signs of cancer, including lack of knowledge of symptoms and multifaceted fears, and support increased participation in screening to access click here.

Gov.UK has support on campaign planning, it looks at how to run a campaign, set up Twitter & Facebook, how to use outdoor advertising, how to use posters, etc. To access the Gov.UK website click here

Cancer Earlier Diagnosis Campaign 

"The campaign is designed to address the key barriers to people seeking help, the fear around cancer diagnosis and increase awareness of the importance of body vigilance when it comes to bodily changes that could be a sign of cancer.​​​​​​". 

Click here to access posters, videos, email signatures, social media videos, and more 

Be Clear on Cancer - CRUK 

"Be Clear on Cancer has been promoting awareness and early diagnosis by raising public awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer and encouraging people to see their GP without delay."

The page has some of the following campaigns. To access Click here

  • 'Blood in Pee' Campaign 
  • Bowel Cancer Campaign 
  • Bowel Screening Campaign (England) 
  • Know 4 Sure Campaign 
  • Lung Cancer Campaign 
  • Ovarian Cancer Campaign 

Bowel Campaigns

Bowel Cancer Screening Campaign 

As part of the NHS England "Help Us, Help you" campaign a Bowel campaign "Life Saving Poo" was designed to encourage people who are sent the NHS bowel cancer screening home kit to complete and return it. 

Click here to access posters, videos, email signatures, social media videos, and more.

Alan Titchmarsh and Tommy Walsh | NHS | BSL Version | Youtube Video - Click here 

Breast Campaigns

Breast Cancer Now

Have a campaign page where you can join in, and view current and past campaigns and what they have achieved. Click here. 


Run an awareness campaign to view click here. 

Cervical Campaigns

Cervical Cancer Screening Campaign 

The key messages from the campaign are around encouraging people to respond to the letter they get asking them to book an appointment or to book an appointment if they missed their screening. Click here to access posters, videos, email signatures, social media videos, and more 

Jo's Trust 

Jo's Trust runs yearly campaigns and raise awareness, click here to view. 


OUTpatients (formerly 'Live Through This') Cancer Charity 

OUTpatients exists to support and advocate for our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer communities when they are affected by cancer.To access their website click here.

They have also created the following campaigns 

Screening MOT, IT's Screening on my own terms. This campaign raises awareness around Breast and Cervical Screening and how uptake is low within the community, click here. 

Remove the Doubt, The Cervical screening campaign supports people with their cervical screening journey. Looking at what cervical screening is, what happens during the appointments, and tips for attending your appointments. Click here 

My Cervix My Service is an empowerment campaign. 

"We believe it is your body, and you have a right to access healthcare in a way that makes you feel affirmed and respected. This campaign is going to be bringing you voices from our community as they share their experiences of cervical screening and the things they do to have a positive experience at their appointment." Click here 

Best for My Chest is a breast screening campaign supporting people with their Breast screening journey. Click here 


Better Health Quit Smoking

A new national stop-smoking campaign will launch on Wednesday 27th December 2023. Capitalising on the New Year moment when there is a greater intent for smokers to make a quit attempt. 
 The campaign builds on the creative route of ‘good things happen when you stop smoking’ that was developed for the Stoptober campaign back in October 2023. The campaign promotes the many benefits of quitting and signposts to a range of quitting support and information on the Better Health website. 

The campaign will be delivered through TV, video-on-demand, radio, out-of-home advertising and search. 

There is a suite of free campaign resources to help you support and amplify the campaign locally including assets for use on social media, posters, web banners and images for digital screens. Including promoting the NHS Quit Smoking App. To view the resources Click here. 



Cancer Resources

Macmillan Cancer Support has a range of cancer resources available on their website, they can be delivered to you for free or downloaded. They have easy-read leaflets about diagnosis, treatment, signs and symptoms and much more.  To be redirected to their website please click here.

Macmillian Cancer Support has a Cancer Support line which is available 7 days a week 8 am to 8 pm -          0808 808 00 00

Deaf Cancer UK working with Macmillian, offer support to deaf people with Cancer. To view their website click here and for a poster click here. 

CRUK has a range of resources available that can be delivered for free or downloaded. They have leaflets, posters and pocket-sized information cards. To be redirected to their website please click here. 

CRUK has a Nurse helpline which is available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm - 08088004040

Beyond Words has picture resources you can download to support people who don't like written words. - Click Here 

Male Lifetime screening pathway video click here 

Mencap easy-read information on screening click here

Marie Curie easy-read booklets click here 


Bowel Resources

Bowel Cancer UK has a range of resources available to order or download for free. To order printed versions click here. They also have a video on how to do your Bowel Screening- Click here. They also have a symptom diary click here. 

CRUK has a poster on Tips for collecting your Poo- Click here.  They have a range of leaflets to order for free such as "Spot Bowel Cancer Early" - Click here  

Video on how to do Bowel Screening - Click here 

NHS England BSCP has leaflets on how to do the test kits. Available in multiple languages, large print, British Sign Language and for those with learning disabilities, Click here and for easy-read please click here. For other leaflets about Bowel Screening and Colonoscopy Click here. 

NHS England has also created a video on raising awareness of signs and symptoms. Click here

PHE Screening animations have short animations which explain how to use your bowel cancer screening kit. Subtitles are available in English, as well as Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Farsi, Gujarati, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi and Urdu. A British Sign Language version is also available. To access Click here

Beyond Words has picture guides for screening, Bowel Screening easy guide - Click here / Easy guide to having a Colonoscopy Click here.

Breast Resources

NHS England BSCP has leaflets and posters available explaining screening Click here. Also helping women decide which is available in different languages, click here. Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals has created a video showing what happens during your appointment click here. 

Public Health England has created a breast screening film which focuses on women with learning disabilities click here. 

Breast Cancer Now has a range of resources you can order or download for free click here. There are also available in different languages, Click here. They also have a picture story of what happens during a Mammogramme, Click here. 

They also have a Free Helpline where people can talk to trained staff with personal or professional experience with breast cancer. 08088006000

CoppaFeel! has materials and resources to order and download Click here. They also have videos on how to check your breast including British sign language, Click here. They also have a range of videos on their YouTube channel, Click here. On the resource page, you can also access Boob Bot, where you can message someone and get support on how to check. Resources are also available for healthcare professionals and teachers, including posters and videos for waiting rooms, to access Click here. 

Prevent Breast Cancer has a range of resources you can order or download for free, including a poster for Male Signs and Symptoms, to access Click here. 

CRUK has a video showing "Having a Mammogramme" You will need to verify your age in order to watch this, Click here. To access the CRUK resource page, Click here. 

Know Your Lemons has posters to order at a cost, but can be downloaded for free. Click Here. 

Cervical Resources

Jo's Trust has a range of resources that you can download around Cervical screening and HPV, to access please click here. To view their resources and case study page please click here. Merchandise is also available at a small cost, click here. Easy read is also available click here. 

Jo Trust has created a video explaining the Smear Test, click here and have a range of videos in different languages click here. 

And a top tips poster for sample takers, Click here. 

Jo's Trust also has a helpline and online support, Click here.

CRUK have a video explaining Cervical Screening to access Click here. And Cervical Screening Good Practice Guide, Click here. 

Beyond Words: An Easy Guide to Cervical Screening Click here. 

Macmillan Cancer Support has created a video What is a Colposcopy? Click here. 

My Cervical Screening booklet, supports people with Learning Disabilities on their screening journey, Click here. 

NHS NHS has created a short video of a person with learning disabilities going for their cervical screening click here. 

My Cervical Screening booklet, supports people with Learning Disabilities on their screening journey, Click here. have an easy-read picture booklet click here. 

Community Learning Disabilities Nursing Services have a YouTube channel, with a variety of videos to support people with learning disabilities, including cervical screening click here. 

Yorkshire Cancer Research Resources

Yorkshire Cancer Research has a wide range of resources available, both physical and digital. 

Physical resources

If you would like to order any of the above, please email and include details of the resources you would like to order, the quantity and the address where you would like them to be sent. 

Digital Resources 

HPV Explained Video click here 

Posters are available in digital versions (both full and short versions are available), as shown in the picture below. These will be in the form of a JPG file. If you would like access, please email


If you would like any Yorkshire Cancer Research merchandise for events or outreach sessions, please email

Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Resources

Resources were created in partnership with people with lived experience of mental health, Sheffield Flourish, SACMHA, SHSC, and South Yorkshire Cancer Alliance. 

A booklet and a short video were created for all three screening programmes. 

To access the resources please click here. 

LGBTIQ+ Resources

Macmillian Cancer Support and OUTPatients has a booklet to download for LGBTIQ+ people to support them with Cancer and screening, to access please click here.  

OUTPatients has a resource page for professionals click here. You can access Screening booklets for people by clicking here. And Chest Check 101, with Coppafeel! click here. 


HPV Resources, English, Roma, Slovakian

Roma Pupils from Fir Vale School in Sheffield worked closely with GPs and healthcare professionals to develop resources around the HPV Vaccine and Child Vaccinations, along with raising awareness of the importance of vaccines within their community. You can watch their video diary here:

The initiative was funded and supported by NHSE Public Health Programmes Team.
