Published on: 11 November 2020

‘Help Us, Help You’ campaign urges Yorkshire and the Humber residents not to ignore warning signs of abdominal cancer

The NHS across Yorkshire and the Humber is urging residents to seek medical help on discovering any warning signs of abdominal cancer after data shows almost 8,000 people are diagnosed in the region each year.

Dr Nikki Kanani, GP and Medical Director for Primary Care at NHS England, said: “We know finding cancer early saves lives, but there is still more to do to make people aware of the warning signs and to act on them.

“If you’ve had any tummy troubles for three weeks or more, tell your GP. You are not a burden and there’s nothing to be embarrassed about; our NHS is here to see you, safely”.

Common symptoms of abdominal cancer include: diarrhoea, bloating, discomfort, or persistent tummy troubles, and NHS England are encouraging anyone who has had them for three weeks or more to speak to a GP.

Around 75,000 people are diagnosed with abdominal cancer in England each year but COVID-19 has changed the way that people are accessing NHS services, with reports showing that some people are putting off using the NHS from fear of catching the virus or not wanting to be a burden.

Dr David Crichton, GP and a Clinical Lead for Early Diagnosis across the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance, said: “The earlier we detect, diagnose and treat cancer, the more likely you are to not only survive but go on to live healthy lives for longer. The current pandemic is a worrying time for us all but we cannot stress enough the importance of making an appointment with your GP if you are at all worried about a sign or symptom that could be cancer.

“All services across South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and Derbyshire are working incredibly hard and in many different and new ways to make sure we can continue to see, diagnose and treat as many people as possible, in the safest possible way.

“We know that many people avoid making appointments for many different reasons – from embarrassment, fear or not wanting to add to the work of their local health system but we are here, we are open and I would like to encourage anyone with signs or symptoms to come forward”.

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