Published on: 15 June 2020
The ‘Open For Business’ or the ‘Help Us, Help You’ campaign was established by the NHS after evidence showed that four in ten people are too concerned about being a burden on the NHS to seek help from their GP, resulting in significant concerns about delays to diagnosis, for cancer and other serious conditions.
We have updated our communications toolkit (2.0).The interactive toolkit is housed in our professionals area of the website which you can access if you are a healthcare worker of any kind. You can click here for instructions on how to gain access to the area. The toolkit is also housed on our NHS Futures page.
We noticed that each of our partners were doing great communications work to relay the key messages of the campaign, and we wanted to collate them into one easy-to-access toolkit, which everyone can use and take inspiration from.
We also used the toolkit to share our ideas and to highlight areas where we can support our partners with communicating this campaign.
The interactive toolkit is housed in our professionals area of the website which you can access if you are a healthcare worker of any kind. You can click here for instructions on how to gain access to the area. The toolkit is also housed on our NHS Futures page.
For our updated toolkit we have revised the original kit and included some extra resources now that lockdown guidance has changed and restrictions easing. The following resources are new to the toolkit which we believe you would benefit from. We have also included detail on the NHS 72nd Anniversary as this is an opportunity to not only thank the NHS and remember those lost to COVID-19 but to continue the vital messages of the Open for Business campaign as well.
We hope this document is a useful resource to all our partners. We will continually update the resource as more ideas come forward, so please get in contact if you have any suggestions, questions or ideas to contibute.
As part of our commitment to co-creation, we developed this toolkit with the guidance of a task and finish group, which was set up to advise us on what materials and channels would be most useful for localising the national NHS messages. We would like to thank everyone who helped in forming this toolkit. All the contributions and ideas have helped to shape and inform what we hope will be a growing and iterate document.
Follow us on social media: @CanAlliance_SYB
There are no upcoming events.