The advisory board is a new level of governance in the Cancer Alliance which has been developed in line with the updated Governance arrangements. The board is held every other month, and is an overview and scrutiny model which draws on the success of the Living With And Beyond Cancer advisory board. Members consist of people affected by cancer with six lay representative from across the region, six place/partner level lay representatives, core team admin and facilitation, plus a chair and vice chair.

The purpose of the Advisory Board is to: Challenge the thinking of those making decisions where necessary, ensure that the needs of patients and carers are given priority, advise about the impact on patients and carers of issues being considered by the Cancer Alliance, and to support the SYB ICS Cancer Alliance to make decisions. You can find the terms of reference along with a flow chart of governance below.

If you want to be part of the board please email with the subject title ‘Advisory Board’.

If you have any questions about the board please email:

Terms of Reference and Governance

Here you will find the Terms of Reference for the advisory board. This will detail what joining the board will entail along with further details on the board and information on the frequency of meetings.

Here you can find a governance flow chat here which details the board's position within the alliance.